Case Study: Support Ticket Escalation with SuiteCRM, Slack, Camunda BPM and Mulesoft

Client Requirements:
For the SuiteCRM and Slack integration, the client needs a system where high-priority support tickets in SuiteCRM automatically send alerts to a Slack channel. These alerts should include essential details like ticket ID and customer information. The team in Slack should be able to quickly discuss and assign the ticket to a member, who then updates the ticket status in SuiteCRM.
1. Collaborative Design of BPMN Model:
We designed the BPMN model for the SuiteCRM and Slack integration process collaboratively with the customer. Initially, we discussed and identified the key steps of the process, such as ticket creation, prioritization, Slack notification, and subsequent actions in both systems. We then visually mapped these steps into a BPMN diagram, ensuring it accurately represented the workflow.

2. Technology Selection:
In this next step, we focused on selecting appropriate technologies, considering the customer's existing on-premise SuiteCRM and Mulesoft ESB installations. We recommended installing Camunda on-premise, leveraging its BPM capabilities to orchestrate the workflow between SuiteCRM and Slack.

3. SoftryLink Framework Integration with Mulesoft ESB, Slack and SoftryLink Connectors:
Using our integration framework, SoftryLink, we connected Camunda BPM engine and SuiteCRM. We chose Mulesoft ESB as the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) since it was compatible with SoftryLink and offered a complimentary Slack connector. This configuration allowed for effective message transfer, data format conversion, and implementation of integration patterns. We tailored the SoftryLink connectors to suit both Camunda BPM and SuiteCRM, and crafted a straightforward Mulesoft Flow leveraging the available Slack connector.

4. Integration of SoftryLink SuiteCRM Extension Module:
The client’s SuiteCRM system was enhanced with the SoftryLink SuiteCRM Extension Module, which we configured to interact dynamically with the BPM engine. This allowed setting up event listeners and handlers within SuiteCRM for capturing business process related triggers and actions.

5. Development of Customized Logic Hooks in SuiteCRM:
In close collaboration with the client, we implemented 3 logic hooks within SuiteCRM. These hooks were low-coded in PHP to generate specific SoftryLink Events ('new case created', 'case assigned') and execute one defined SoftryLink Task ('assign case automatically'). The hooks were deployed to SuiteCRM using the standard Module Loader mechanism.

The integration of SuiteCRM with Slack, facilitated by Camunda BPM and SoftryLink, streamlined the support ticket handling process. High-priority tickets in SuiteCRM were efficiently routed to a dedicated Slack channel, enabling prompt responses from the support team. The use of Mulesoft ESB, already compatible with SoftryLink and its free Slack connector, made the message routing and format transformation seamless. As a result, the customer experienced improved efficiency in managing support tickets, better team collaboration, and faster resolution times, enhancing overall customer service quality.